Thursday, June 30, 2011


At the left, President Elect Dave Lambros congratulates JR Springer with a $2,000 check to help replace or repair the commercial stove at the Y's camp in the mountains. Members donated dollars and the South Sacramento Rotary Foundation provided additional funds to support the effort. At the right, Craig Stevenson (right), Rotary International Foundation Chair for our club, pins a 6th Paul Harris Award on Frank Cook. 

Celebrating 2010-11

At his final meeting of 2010-11, President Jim Tracy thanked members of his Board for their support throughout the year by giving each of them one of the awards presented to the club at the Annual Awards Night. Pictured above from left to right are (standing) Jjim Simmons, Dave Lambros, Craig Stevenson, Frank Cook, Jim Tracy, Ed Trujillo, and JR Srpinger and (seated) Barbara Tracy and Michael DiGrazia.